Minimum Wage Rates Increase for April 2023

Minimum Wage Rates Increase for April 2023

The Minimum Wage rates increase from the 1st of April 2023 All employers should be aware that all minimum wage rates increase on the 1st of April of each year. This includes all National Minimum Wage rates and the National Living Wage rate. Below you will find the...
3 QuickBooks Basics

3 QuickBooks Basics

Whether you’re brand new to QuickBooks or you use it already, there’s always more to learn to ensure you’re maximising the resources you have available to you. With this blog we are sharing our top 3 QuickBooks Basics. 1. Connecting and reconnecting the bank When you...
Can Staff be made redundant if they are on furlough?

Can Staff be made redundant if they are on furlough?

Furlough Redundancy Although the furlough system was designed to keep workers employed, unfortunately it doesn’t protect furloughed staff from being made redundant. But it doesn’t affect their redundancy pay rights if they are let go from their job amid...
Family companies and the optimal salary for 2021/22

Family companies and the optimal salary for 2021/22

If you run your business as a personal or family company, you will need to decide how best to extract profits for your personal use. A typical tax-efficient strategy is to pay yourself a small salary and then extract any further profits as dividends. Where this...