Contractor or sub-contractor – we’re here to help

The Construction Industry Scheme, or CIS, was brought in to tighten up and regulate tax payments across the construction industry. As a result, there are specific requirements and obligations on both sides when it comes to paying taxes.

Contractors, our specialist Tax Planning Services make the whole process of tracking and filing your returns as painless and surprise free as possible.

By planning ahead, we can keep you tax-efficient helping to keep your tax bills lower

This means that you can make sure that you’ve got the cash ready and waiting when you need to pay. A big capital project with multiple subcontractors, or a fast-expanding business, can mean a larger tax bill than you were expecting, nobody needs that kind of HMRC surprise, or the accompanying dent in your cash flow.

We’ll keep the CIS300 form updated, and accurate so that all subcontractors on your books are properly verified and registered with HMRC. Peace of mind for you and your sub-contractors.

All you need to do, is let us know who’s working for you with their relevant verification details, how much you’re paying them, and we take care of all the rest.

Sub Contractors, our specialist Tax planning service is tailored to looking after your taxes and making sure that you’re not losing out on tax refunds you may be due.

At Pi, we make the whole process of filing and budgeting for your tax bills as painless as possible.

We make sure you’ve got all those Payment Deduction Certificates and can account for every penny of your business expenses.

Plus, we’re on top of all the small-print changes to allowances, reliefs and IR35 regulations that can make a big difference to your tax refund.

Why Pi?

Frustrated trying to get answers from HMRC, trying to get to the bottom of CIS?

And at the end, you’re none the wiser? We believe there’s no reason to make it difficult to explain or hard to manage.

At Pi, we explain the nuts and bolts of CIS to both contractor and sub-contractor in plain, simple English. When we need to speak to HMRC we speak their language and when we speak to you, it’s a conversation.

Because going to see your accountant shouldn’t ever feel like pulling teeth.

Got a query on CIS?

Get in touch with us on our contact us pages if you’d like to find out more about our Statutory Accounts services. We understand that every situation is distinct, and by initiating this contact, you take the first step towards a more informed, effective, and successful journey.

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