Spring Budget 2024

Spring Budget 2024

Spring Budget 2024 In the Spring Budget 2024, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt made several key announcements that could have significant implications for individuals and businesses across the UK. Here’s a breakdown of the main points and what they might mean for you. Taxation...
Budget Highlights 2023

Budget Highlights 2023

Budget Highlights 2023 The Chancellor presented his Spring Budget on the 15th of March 2023 and we’re here to discuss some of the highlights. The Economy: The OBR expects inflation to fall from 10.7% to 2.9% by the end of 2023. UK economy will shrink by 0.2%...
Budget Highlights 2021

Budget Highlights 2021

The Chancellor presented his Autumn Budget and Spending Review on 27 October 2021 and we’re here to discuss some of the highlights. Income tax rates and thresholds The rates and thresholds applying for 2022/23 were confirmed. Personal allowance As previously...