If you need to file a self-assessment tax return for the year to 5 April 2021, you have until midnight on 31 January 2022 to file your return if you have not already done so. You must also pay any tax that you owe for 2020/21 by the same date. Do I need to file a...
Making Tax Digital (MTD) is a Government initiative that aims to provide the UK with one of the most digitally advanced tax administrations in the world. Under MTD, taxpayers are required to keep electronic records and report to HMRC digitally. The new MTD timetable...
Real Time Information and Full Payment Submission Under Real Time Information (RTI), you must report payments made to employees and associated deductions to HMRC on a Full Payment Submission (FPS) at or before the time at which you make the payment to your employee....
Christmas is a time of giving, and you may wish to give your employees a small token of your appreciation for their work during the year. To prevent the gift being accompanied by an unwanted tax liability, you can take advantage of the trivial benefits exemption to...